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Laser Treatment for Acne Scars

Acne develops as a result of imperfections in the human body. The primary cause is hair follicles and surrounding glands. They secrete an oily substance known as sebum, which is thought to keep hair lubricated. Too much keratin or hair protein and sebum can clog the ducts, creating an ideal environment for the C. acne bacteria. Acne is caused by this bacterium, which starts the body’s attempt to heal itself by producing collagen connective tissue.

Home and store-bought remedies are available, as are other therapies such as micro-needling, injectable fillers, and dermabrasion. If these treatments do not work, there is an alternative treatment option. It’s known as laser treatment, and a doctor uses a laser to manipulate the skin to reduce scarring. The procedure’s goal is to make the scarring less visible while also relieving the pain that acne can cause. Laser therapy is regarded as a non-invasive aesthetic procedure.

Residual scarring is an unfortunate issue for 95 percent of acne sufferers. That is, even after the outbreak is over, the problem persists. Scars are all that is left. They are a constant reminder and annoyance for acne sufferers. A procedure known as laser treatment for acne scars is available and can help healthy skin growth while also replacing acne scar tissue. It is not a complete solution, but it is a step toward lessening the appearance of the scar and the pain it may cause.

Only a trained professional who specializes in acne scar treatment can determine whether laser treatment for acne scars is a viable option. However, some people are not good candidates for this procedure. Those with dark skin tones or wrinkles are included. Anyone with an active acne outbreak should avoid laser treatment because it can cause infection.

What Are the Various Types of Acne Scars?

Acne scarring is classified into two types: depressed and elevated. Collagen loss is the cause of depressed scars. This causes large and small indentations in the skin, and depressed scars come in four varieties: ice pick, atrophic, boxcar, and rolling scars. Excess collagen results in elevated scars, which result in lines or bumps in the skin.

How Does Laser Acne Scar Removal Work?

It’s a two-step process that begins with laser heat. The heat helps in the removal of the top skin layer where the scar is. As the scar’s top layer peels away, the skin appears smoother, and the scar becomes less noticeable. The scar tissue will break apart, and the laser’s light and heat will promote the growth of healthy new skin cells. The laser’s heat will draw blood flow to the scar location and reduce inflammation. Scars that are no longer raised and redness that is reduced is the end results. Following that, the promotion of skin healing can begin.

What Is the Laser Acne Scar Treatment Procedure?

Ablative lasers, non-ablative lasers, and fractional lasers are three of the most common types of lasers. Each one is tailored to the severity of the scar. Fractionated laser treatment stimulates the tissue beneath the scar with thousands of tiny laser beams, removing the darkly pigmented cells beneath the skin’s top layer. This laser type, also known as Fraxel, works best on icepick and boxcar scars.

Non-ablative laser resurfacing uses infrared laser heat to target deep layers of skin, encouraging new cell growth over scarred tissue and stimulating collagen production. Perhaps most importantly, the non-ablative procedure does not involve the removal of any skin. In contrast, ablative laser resurfacing uses a YAG or carbon dioxide laser to remove the top layer of skin over the scar. Ablative laser resurfacing can cause skin redness that can last up to ten days.

What Are the Potential Risks or Side Effects?

Acne surgery, like many other procedures, carries some risk. The most common side effects are pain, swelling, and redness at the treatment site. The pain should last no longer than two hours, and the redness should go away within ten days. Infection and hyperpigmentation, or skin darkening, are two risks associated with acne surgery. If a fever, pus, or swelling develops at the site, contact the treatment provider right away. Before undergoing acne scar laser treatment, consult with a specialist to go over these and any other concerns.

What Can You Expect from This Treatment?

Laser treatment does not completely remove acne scarring but rather reduces it so that it is less visible. However, the procedure is not guaranteed, and extra skincare is required for months after the surgery as the surgery site heals. Patients should use sunscreen whenever they leave the house. Sun tanning is also prohibited for about 8 weeks, and you should avoid spending too much time in the sun in general during that time. In addition, the provider may include special care instructions for the skin site, such as recommending a moisturizer or a special toner. To avoid infection, keep your skin clean and avoid wearing makeup for at least a week. Any redness around the surgery site should go away within a few weeks. The results of the treatment should be visible within ten days.

Acne Surgery Preparation

Laser treatment, like many surgeries, necessitates the preparation, which includes avoiding retinol-containing skincare products, smoking, and blood thinners or aspirin for two weeks prior to the procedure. In addition, the provider may prescribe antibiotics and instruct the patient to discontinue acne treatment medication.


Contact Elite Health & Wellness in Kearney, NE, today if you require laser treatment for acne scars. Remember that acne scar treatment isn’t just for the face. Laser scar removal can also be used on the upper torso, back, arms, and neck.