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Our Hours
Monday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed

January News

Welcome to Elite Chiropractic’s monthly newsletter and blog!!  Through this newsletter/blog, we would like to keep you up to date on rising health issues, news from Chiropractic’s Association, the latest happenings here at Elite and local events that we think our patients might be interested in!!  Also, through this new venture, we would like to extend the offer of having all of YOU give us ideas and topics to chat about.    In each new post, I will offer a chance for people to comment and I will ask questions.  PLEASE give us some feedback!  Your thoughts and opinions matter to us!!

Today’s Topics:
New Year Resolutions
Influenza Epidemic
Office Updates

Since it is a New Year, many people are making their famous “New Year resolutions”.  Did you make one?  If so, what is it?  How do you plan to succeed?  For myself, I did not make an actual resolution, but I’ve been working on goals and making myself better, all around.  Health, love and happiness are my focus every day.  This year, I have signed up for the Lincoln National Guard Half Marathon, my first half, I plan to run in my usual 5/10k’s and I am now the coordinator for the Kearney Night Run!!!  So to maintain the energy and ability to complete these, I have to keep up my good health and we all know that starts in the kitchen!

Here are a couple of other blogs/sites that have helpful tips on achieving those healthy resolutions:



With the cold comes the illness. This is something I’m sure no one looks forward to! Not only is it bitter cold, but we are seeing the rise of the influenza virus amongst many other traveling sicknesses.  The daycare my daughter attends has been sending many children home or many are not coming due to RSV and the flu.  Many of you may have seen a post of Facebook being passed around from CBS News.  http://cbsn.ws/1FbIfVo The quick stats of this report say:

NEW: The CDC says flu season has taken a turn for the worse:
• the flu is now widespread in 43 states
• a total of 21 children have died
• 6 children died of the flu last week

This was based on the week of December 27, 2014.  So now, what are your thoughts of getting the flu shot?  Did you and your family get it? If so, are you glad you did or if not, do you think you should? My daughter and I both got our in October.  We have each got one cold since then, right on New Year’s Day!  Here are a couple of “food for thought’ sites that discuss the flu shot.



Some may have noticed there have been a few color changes in our office! We are experimenting and taking baby steps on updates to the office.  So while you are here, take a look around and share your thoughts and ideas!

Our office hours continue to be Monday through Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm.  Most of you know that both of the Doctors are out a few hours through the week to attend ART session, but I wanted to give a heads up on a few day they are out of the office.  Cory will be out the following dates: January 9, 12 and 23rd. If you need anything during those times, please call the office and we will do our best to assist you!  Cannot wait to hear from everyone!  Have a Happy New Year!